Please see the details below regarding Otto Foundation vacancies at the Sunbird Library at Chapel Street Primary School, and the new Otto Foundation library planned for Good Hope Seminary High School.
Get in touch if you are passionate about books and about fostering a love of reading in a new generation of readers.
Please note: both of these positions are based in Cape Town.
The Otto Foundation is an education-focussed philanthropic organisation established in 2016. The Foundation’s core mission is to improve early literacy by:
Expanding access to books
Promoting reading for enjoyment
Creating and promoting contextually relevant reading materials for South African children
The Foundation is looking for new team members to manage school libraries at Chapel Street Primary School and Good Hope Seminary High School in Cape Town.
A relevant post-school qualification NQF Level 5 or higher (e.g. in the fields of education or library science)
A love for and knowledge of children’s/ youth literature
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
An interest in community development work and making a difference in the lives of children and young people
Demonstrable computer skills and ability to do web-based research, use web-based communication tools and use Microsoft Office software
Previous experience in (or willingness and interest to be trained in) the use of library data tools such as LibWin
Experience in working in schools or with young children
Basic knowledge and understanding of South African curriculum standards for reading
A keen interest in education and literacy development
Passionate about books and reading
Enthusiasm for finding creative ways to promote reading for enjoyment
A spirit of initiative and the ability to work independently
Ability to work collaboratively as part of a team of educators and literacy support organisations
Scope of work:
This advertisement is for two full time positions at the Otto Foundation based at Chapel Primary School and Good Hope Seminary High School, Cape Town.
Implement and prepare library lessons
Implement and conceptualise programmes to promote reading for enjoyment in the school
Organise and update the library inventory and catalogue (via the LibWin system)
Support the school and the Otto Foundation in identifying new books for the library
Collaborate with teachers to ensure that the library programme supports curriculum outcomes related to language and reading
Guide learners and teachers in finding reading and research materials in the library and online
Conceptualise and develop creative and engaging library displays
Manage library resources in a responsible manner
How to apply:
Please submit only your CV and a one-page cover letter to
Please clearly state in the subject line of your email which of the two librarian positions you are applying for (at Chapel Primary School and/or Good Hope Seminary High School).
Applications must be submitted by 23 June 2023.
We will correspond with shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within one month of applying, you should consider your application to be unsuccessful. The Otto Foundation reserves the right to not fill these positions.